Hello all,
Just trying to collect some data points as to how far people have cooled/heated their empegs before things go bad. The reasoning behind this is that due to a piece of botched repair work (Don't got anywhere near Wyn Thomas Jaguar in Epping, if you want your empeg unmolested), my empeg is now stuck in place in the dashboard. It's almost certainly fixable, but I'm wondering how soon I need to get out and sort it, as I'm quite busy at the moment. Basically, unless lots of people come back saying "leaving it in the car overnight killed my empeg", I may leave it like that for a month or two as the temperatures in the UK at the moment aren't that extreme.
As an extra point of interest, the player has survived two weeks in the south of France (50 degrees plus temperatures inside the car, until it gets driven and the air conditioning kicks in) with no apparent ill-effects. Having all our music in the car with us made the 1,800 mile journey much more pleasant!