OK, finally some details

it's pretty simple really. You open up you tuner and bang a 1k ohm resistor across R2, the 22k ohm reference resistor for the ADC that measures the resistance on the remote. On Patricks tuner it sits really close to the remote cable, and on his one you could actually replace the 22k ohm resistor with the 1k ohm one. On the original tuner this is just a little tricky!! The resistor is about the size of a grain of salt. Although I chose the finest tip on the soldering iron that I had, it still looked like a fence post next to the SMD resistor on the original tuner board. Make sure you check the resistance of the resistor you are replacing/bridging just to make sure you have the right one. If the boards were done consistantly it is also labelled as R2 on both tuners and you can double check that in Patricks installation guide.
I used a thru-hole resistor. Since the resistances in the Ford remote are reasonably low the new sense/reference resistor will disapate a reasonable amount of heat (relatively speaking). According to the experts (Hugo and Patrick) anyway. In my case it's basically just stuck on top or the original resistor with solder. I tried to get as much solder down the side of the original resistor and onto the pad as possible, but it wasn't very easy with the "fence post".
Details on the Sony stalk wiring - you need to make up a cable with 3.5mm cinch connector from the original wiring loom - can be found in the FAQ, and Half_Geek has some useful info (such as pin numbers on the factory connecor)
here .
If there is anything else I've forgotten to tell you feel free to ask.