It should be within the range: if the pullup resistance is the same as the external resistance, you'd read halfway on the 8-bit ADC (ie, ~128).

Yeah, I remember that now -- my memory of electronics is a bit rusty, at best.

Anyway, the other 4 buttons work fine, which will do for now

For reference, on open circuit (5k), I'm getting 0xD7 (84%), and on Vol+ (145ohm), I'm getting 0x22 (13%).

More completely, I'm seeing the following values:

Vol- (53.0 to 55.2 ohm): 0x0d
Vol+ (145.2 - 149.2 ohm): 0x22
Seek up (297.6 - 304.8 ohm): 0x3d
Seek down (556.0 - 568.4 ohm): 0x5e
Mode (1026.3 - 1048.1 ohm): no reading
Open circuit (5006.1 - 5107.3 ohm): 0xd7

I did get a reading for Mode on my multimeter before I connected it all to the tuner, but it's a crappy old analogue multimeter, so I couldn't tell you exactly what I got.


-- roger