I'd have to see one in person, but the smaller size also sounds nice. There's no need to have enormous SLR bodies when using Digital - with film, a large part of it was about the film plane and cartridge. I really liked the size of the Pentax *istD for example. Sure wish Nikon would release a D200 with a similar size. I'd love to go back to using an SLR. About the only thing i'd miss (that I have with my 5700) is the ability to preview a shot on the rotating LCD before taking it. This lets me put the camera on the ground (or low enough that I can't get my head low enought o the viewfinder) while I look at it from above - or above my head while I look at it from below. Every time I hande a film SLR right now I just long for the crystal-clear non-EVF viewfinder... Ahhh...