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I opted to not install the remote start, since i KNOW i'd forget oneday and start it up in gear since it's a standard

Why on earth would you need a starter in the mild climate of San Fran? (And yes the optical sensors for that are 'bout $100) They do work well, because it is rather funny to watch a pickup truck start, then start to roll off down the street through a fence, and high-center itself on a broken fence post! (Not my truck!)
The remote door locks I can see would be beneficial for those really rainy days.

Nice install by the way! If I am ever in San Fran I will have to stop by and have a boo!

Now for the control pad buttons in the steering wheel for Gran Tourismo....

#080000449 MkII - 36Gb Blue
2x160Gb MkII Lighted Buttons 080000449