I don't think i will be adding a sub, Well, right now there are probably a couple dozen people on this bbs saying to themselves, "Oh, No, tanstaafl.'s going off on his subwoofer rant again."

Please reconsider this. I could point you to at least a half dozen posts (pgrzelak, you reading this?) from other users who had to be talked into adding a sub, and the sentiment is always the same -- no idea how much they were missing until they added the subwoofer. A subwoofer isn't just to go "boom boom boom" although that's the impression you could quite justifiably get listening to some badly designed, assembled, and played systems. But there's about two full octaves of music on your CDs that you aren't hearing if the biggest speaker you have in your car is in the six inch range.
A subwoofer means more work and more money, but I have yet to hear from anybody who, once it was done, didn't think it was well worth it.
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"