I'd just like to say that the black sleds are sweet. I love the fact that the lips of the sled don't stand out because they're bare metal any more. There are two issues that people might need to consider, though. First, the inside left and right sides of the sled will get scratched to the point that the black powder coat rubs away. This is still much preferable to the bare metal all over, though. Second, the sled I've got fits my MkII like a glove. Better than the original sled, IMO. But I really have to fiddle to get my MkIIa in there. I imagine it would loosen up if I used the MkIIa more, but I don't.

Still, all in all, a great purchase. Even better if you can just take the harness and plug off of a sled you're not currently using.
Bitt Faulk