I third the recommendation for Infected Mushroom. The one single I have of theirs is refreshingly varied, using textures that I don't often hear and changing it up in interesting ways.

Along the lines of "interesting" techno, I'll highly recommend BT (Brian Transeau). Alot of good stuff has come from that guy, including his recent work with DJ Tiesto. But maybe he's a little off the "big beat" track.

Did "Basement Jaxx" get a mention? They are drop some pretty big beats, are pretty mainstream, yet can be pretty quirky and interesting.

And as a stretch, could Rob Zombie be mentioned? I remember his contribution to the Matrix Soundtrack was pretty accessible and huge. Check out the Matrix Soundtrack for some others (though I haven't heard it in years, so I forget what's there).
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set