Or is the make-money-rio thing ruined it for all of us?

I don't think the status of the Mk1 sleds has anything to do with the SonicBlue purchase- it would have been the same thing whether it was Empeg or SonicBlue. They simply didn't make very many extras, and now there aren't any more players being sold, so there's no real point in having them spend money for a new production run on sleds. Remember that it would cost a lot of money to set up the machining and tooling of another sled run.

On the bright side, the developer site (link at the top of this BBS page) has the part number and pinouts for the Mk1 docking connector. The rest is just sheet metal. I foresee a future where someone with access to a machine shop will make custom Mk1 sleds for people. Anyone up to it?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris