Well, how about "the intend of the charming video is clearly to put down America by calling America a hypocrite." And to call this video anything less than ignorant wouldn't be right. I'm sorry it's a mean word. I wish I didn't have to use it.

There is no argument that the USA and Islamic Terrorists (or Saddam) are morally equal.

We like to think terrorists kill basically indiscriminately, while our government targets only those who are trying to kill, subvert, subjugate, whatever. And to the extent that it's true, I agree with you. Certainly in some cases where it's not, there's even a legitimate case for a mistake being made, and there will even be talk of "acceptable losses", which whether you agree or not, certainly can be said in a case where you're going after someone in particular and not just killing any (westerner, american, person).

But then there's (things like) Abu Gharaib, which really is unjustified if we are what we claim to be, and *that* is the hypocrisy.