If this were the Presidential ballot, for whom would you vote?

This BBS often hears laments about its left-wing bias, but I am *very* interested to see (even allowing for the limitations of a self-selecting BBS poll) 19 votes for Bush. Fully 37 percent of votes cast -- not anywhere so lop-sided as minority complaints and posts from the BBS right might suggest.

I can't help but wonder if some of those closet Tories from Cambridge have been stuffing this ballot box!

Jeff and a very few others are willing to stick their neck out to the right on the BBS, but that leaves maybe 14-15 other voters unheard from. Yes, given the prevailing (accepted) wisdom regarding the left-wing BBS tilt, I am surprised to see Bush polling at nearly 40 percent and wonder why we don't hear more about his merits on the BBS. I am curious about that and how the BBS came to be perceived the way it has..

So, I have a few questions for any willing Bush voters.....(Feel free to cherry pick!)

1) Blue-state liberal folks (and BBSers) are sometimes derided as uppity, snobby, effete intellectuals who just can't appreciate that Bush is beloved precisely because he's a "regular guy". In light of this "snobs-versus-regular-guy" phenomenon, what do you make of the influence of Leo Strauss on key members of the administration and do you perceive any contradiction between Bush's "regular-guy" reputation and Straussian philosophy?

2) Four years later, how do you feel about the presidential election of 2000 as compared to what you felt about it at the time?

3) If you are voting for Bush, is it safe to assume that you support his conduct with respect to Iraq? If so, can you state a detailed case (needs to say more than "Saddam was a bad guy") as to why the preemptive war in Iraq was a good idea?

4) If John Kerry wins, what bad things do you predict will happen that you are pretty certain will *not* occur if Bush is elected? The definition of "bad" is left completely up to you.

5) What do you think that bulge was?

Reponses from a Bush voter:

1) You must be an effete intellectual to dig that deep . I never really thought of liberals that way. The imagine of a tree hugging hippie always flashes in my head when I hear liberal. I don’t care how Bush, Kerry or Leo Strauss comes across. I’m voting for Bush because I agree with his stance on the majority of the major issues at hand. That basically sums up why I am voting for him.

2) I felt that since it was so close maybe my vote does count. The inevitable screw-ups of the voting process will really come to light when it is close. I’m sure issues like Florida occur in every election you just do hear as much about them when it’s a landslide.

3) I’m not a big fan of the war now or then. I supported his decision to go to war because this is a republic; we elected him to make these decisions and with the evidence at hand (although it was wrong) I can see why he made that decision. Plus we needed the practice and the warranty on many of the bombs was running out .

4) Bad – More and higher taxes, more money for welfare thus less people willing to work, worsening economy, a weaker stance in the world (Korea will probably step up aggression), more gun control laws, a lot of nothing getting accomplished and more governmental gridlock.

5) I think it was his coat label but really don’t care if someone was giving him his words. A president for the most part is just a puppet anyway. Besides, I will concede that Kerry is a better speaker but that does not make him a good leader.

I’m sure these attitudes do not represent the majority of Bush voters. I usually walk to my own drum. I’m sure the US will go on no matter who is vote in.