Here we have a man who engages in actions that I (and many others) consider to be irrational and at odds with reality
Everyone draws their sense of what is a proper action based on something. For Bush that might be what he believes God wants. If you don’t believe that God is talking to Bush or inspiring him somehow, I can understand why this would scare you to death. For me it is exactly the opposite. The idea of someone running the country and ignoring the One who created it all and sustains our very existence is frightening. In the end, this is a polarizing belief, and a point on which there really can’t be resolution.

and anybody who disagrees is just an atheistic, unpatriotic, commie pinko degenerate intent on the destruction of....
And see, this is where I think the understanding of Bush's statement has gone too far.

Both candidates seem to have the "if you're not for me, You're against me" kind of attitude, but when it comes to Bush specifically, I don't think this is coming from his belief that God wants Him to be president. When most Christians I know and respect say that they believe God wants them do something, they are not meaning it to say that to be against them is to be against God; they are saying that they are doing their best to serve their Creator and that they want you to know it’s their primary desire to follow God.

Of course, you can argue that Bush is not like “most Christians I know and respect”, and I’ll grant you that might be a possibility. You can’t get that, however, from only the statement that he believes God wants him in the Whitehouse.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.