I usually stay out of political debates since I don't vote and haven't for many years (I would vote if I felt anyone running had some integrity left to hold an office but I have given up hope on that and got tired of voting for the lesser of two evils) but I saw something today that totally disgusted me and pissed me off and makes me wish that I could vote so I could vote against Bush.

I was driving around today and saw two large trucks with signs on them saying "Kerry, Edwards. A bloody team for a bloody America." with very large pictures of aborted fetuses. I found it to be totally uncalled for and sickening and if Bush supports those kinds of tactics then he would never ever get my vote. I won't go into the pros or cons of abortion (which I am for) but crap, why doesn't he send trucks out with pictures of people being blown up and beheaded and shot during his war and say "This is the kind of bloody leader I am."

Politics is not about the issues anymore, it's about who can smear who and none of them deserve any votes for running campaigns that way.

MKI #017/90
