Saying that you disagree with a decision someone makes is criticism. Calling that person a liar when you have no proof other than what the media has chosen to show you is not. One thing that REALLY turned my stomach was
Correspondents tend to be college-educated. Colleges are known to be havens for liberal thinking, so correspondents must then be disproportionately liberal. I will email the networks and demand that they hire more high school dropouts.

This smacks of someone who thinks he is better than those who differ in opinion and goes on to insult those who disagree. I guess it's conservativism in general bashing more than Bush bashing.

The level of ego exibited here sometimes is astounding to me. It's easy to sit at home and criticize the decisions Bush has made. He's the president. It is his duty to make difficult decisions. We have the luxury of being able to see what the outcomes are before we decide what our decision would be. I personally think that our going to war with Iraq was a good decision. Others don't.

I guess it comes down to which side of the fence you straddle. There are people on this board that think every move that the president makes is based on political calculation. I'm just not one of them.

Screw it. I'm tired. I'm going to bed.