The problem, as I see it, is that he's making difficult decisions willfully based on willfully skewed information, and for someone doing that, I have less than no respect

Not to mention that he seems to be incapable of admitting he was wrong. I'd have a lot more respect for Bush if he would at least admit that Iraq was a mistake. He can blame the decision on bad intelligence or whatever, but at least admit that based on what we know now the war was not necessary. The fact that he has such unwavering faith in his past decisions frankly scares the crap out of me. What is that quote that goes something like "if we can't learn from our past mistakes we are doomed to repeat them"? Well, that seems to be Bush in a nutshell and that is why I don't want him in office for another four years. It's obvious to me that he is going to make the same mistakes time and time again with increasingly dire consequences. If the opposite of W's staunch determinism is a flip-flopper than I'll take the flip-flopper any day.

The fact that he is unwilling to admit even the possibility of past mistakes makes me feel that there is a larger evil plan here and agree with the conspiracy theorists who site alternate reasons for invading Iraq. Now where did I leave my tinfoil hat...


Edited by mcomb (31/10/2004 21:25)
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