So I just keep out of it. In truth, with the amount of ugliness I've seen recently I've been checking the board less and less, since 90% of it is Bush-bashing, which I have no interest in reading.

One of the reasons I kept pretty quiet on the elections recently is exatly because I feared that my opinions and way I formulate them might offend some of our resident conservatives. (Besides, I have not much groundbreakingly new to add - our resident liberals cover more or less all I would.) But I think that Bush criticism is not a shade more severe than he and his handlers deserve, on the contrary.

Please try to understand other people's point of view. Don't automatically dismiss unpleasant news as 'manipulation'. Don't dismiss criticism as 'irrational hatred'. Please do have interest in reading opinion different from your own in matters as crucial for your future (and mime) as this is. Most of 'liberals' here share the homeland with you, and love it as you do. The rest of us share the world with your country, and the world is a small place these days; we all have a stake in this, and wish for the best for our world and America in it.

I must stop, before my emotions make me cross the line and I loose readers like you.

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue