It was Monday's story about how Kerry never met with the UN Security Counsel when he said he had (which I doubt anyone cares about). Personally, I think it was pretty weak. As a neo-con, I can tell you that Bush's strategy is to keep national security (either Iraq or the War on Terror as a whole) the main issue. As the polls have shown, it doesn't matter if it's good news or bad news regarding Iraq. People still trust Bush more than Kerry when it comes to Iraq and terrorism. Let's not debate who you think would do a better job. The point is the polls show that this is Bush's strong point. So, when the planted ammo cache story broke, the Republicans decided it was better to drop the UN thing and keep the cache story front and center even though it was actually the Democrat's "October Surprise". Kerry's only chance is to keep domestic issues as the main focus and I think his camp miscalculated by running with the ammo cache story. There is even speculation that Kerry knew this story was coming during the debate when he said something like "and weapons from that dump are being used against our soldiers."

A funny theory is that since Clinton's people are running the Kerry campaign now, they actually did this on purpose because a Kerry victory means that Hillary can't run until 2012. This is what a lot of Republicans think is possible, I wonder what you liberals/progressives/Democrats/etc think about that... I think it's far fetched, but "fun" to think about.

I highly doubt that the UBL tape was planned by the Bush people. That would imply that the Republicans and Al-Jazeera are working together and that's impossible. They've already endorsed Kerry.
Brad B.