At least we know his DVD player is working.. he seems to have a copy of Moore's 9/11.

I still haven't seen it. I liked "Roger & Me". "Bowling for Columbine" less so, but I didn't hate it. Unlike many of the protestors of that film, I also didn't take away a message of guns being a horrible thing.

Moore was on campus the other day. I'm a volunteer with a student organization which does lighting and sound for events on campus, and we did it for this one. I was underwhelmed by Moore. Most of what he said wasn't very sensationalized (a little was) but the real issue was this: it was an event funded by the student activities fee, and it basically came off like a DNC rally. Not really, there was no official presense of the DNC, and the voter registration organizations there were independent, not affiliated with any party. But Moore's talk, perhaps not surprisingly a week before an election, focused on politics, and was very partisan.

Seems to me either the activities people need(ed) to get someone with a more right-leaning point of view (I would have worked that, too; I stood around as a mostly-impassionate observer throughout, with one exception I'll note below) to speak on campus in the last few days, or let the College Democrats pay for this one.

Anyway, at the end he asked people to show hands if they'd volunteer to call, or get out the vote, or anything like that. Many, but not most, went up.

He asked "is this known as an apathetic campus?" Expecting more of a response, I screamed "Yes!", basically by myself. Oops.

Well, when I was a student, we did manage to have the "picnic for apathy." It was cool, but we never got motivated enough to have another one. I'm not kidding.