  • winning the World Cup in hockey, and the "World" part of World Cup includes more than two countries
  • Baseball is no longer the national sport.
  • we're not ruled by fear -- we actually do leave our doors unlocked
  • we're allowed to use p2p for song swapping
  • real news and unbiased sports coverage during things like the olympics.
  • no in-your-face patriotism, barring a few special events
  • you can tell how much money you have in your wallet without pulling it all out to check the numbers.
  • les jeune filles des Quebec!
  • we can go to Cuba for vacation

Downside (mostly for Canada):
  • As if Quebec wasn't enough, we now have to listen to Alaska and Hawaii bitch and moan about seperating
  • We thought we'd finally gotten rid of Celine Dione, and Bryan Adams.