Okay, so it was an ill-thought out name.

Oh, I dunno. Hard to mix you up with britinLITTLEROCK, isn't it?

I suppose it is, at that.

Seriously, if you didn't stick around, who would be bargain-hunting in Bombay right now, eh?

I wouldn't know. I'm sure there'd be someone. There's always someone. I guess I'm someone for a change.

Hmm... I'm suddenly reminded of Stuart Smally.

On that subject, don't put yourself out, but if you happen across anything that looks remotely promising, CDs in particular, then sure. I'd wing it up to ~$100 USD. My taste in reading is pretty catholic (save perhaps romance novels and westerns!) Oh, and did I forget to say "Thanks!" ?

Sadly, the thanks is premature. I looked over every single shelf in the largest, most modern bookshop I 've yet been to here, and nada. No books on tape (or CD) to be had, English or Hindi. The closest I could find were some Hindi spiritual chants. I asked around, and everyone just says there aren't any -- they're not popular here. I can understand why -- it's not generally a good idea to walk or drive around not paying attention to your surroundings. Besides, you wouldn't be able to hear anything over the honking horns.

So... I could ask about for some recommended English language Bollywood DVDs, if you wish -- it looks as though it's the only other alternative. I'm only a 5 minute walk to the mall, so it's not really putting me out of my way.

What is it about listening to these voices? (And I have to say I am wary of generalizing...falling into a stereotype) There is something formal, calm, somewhat confiding in the manner of speech that I find relaxing......snooze.

Hmm... get the Simpsons DVDs, and edit all the Apoo segments into one long reel?