Sweet dude! As I just returned from my 27 day 10,160 mile road trip (the pic website for it is here: http://thelongdrive.photosite.com/ ) its in reverse order with the latest pics first.

I have a few suggestions/observations/somethinganothers:

1. Switch to Verizon Wireless. I have Cingular and my friend Jen has Verizon and she had far more consistant service than I did.

2. When driving through Texas miles from Wichita Falls, in the middle of the night when it is very windy and rainy and you see brake lights in the distance and tumbleweed blowing across the road -SLOW DOWN! I slowed to about 70mph but it was too late, a HUGE tumbleweed blew out in front of my car and I smashed into it. It shredded my left rear tire and I had to change it in the wind and rain with trucks zooming by my head in the pitch dark. Not a fun time. Oh and Wichita Falls doesn't have any tire stores that carry my stupid Rice Boy Khumo tires, so I had all of one choice for a tire in the right size, a Yokohama.

3. Make sure that your positive battery terminal is connected nice and tight and your battery is charging properly, so that when you blow a tire in the middle of nowhere Texas and you have the hazard lights on for a half hour while you change the tire, and you go to start the car it actually starts. Yeah, that wasn't too fun either, luckily Jen has Verizon so we could call AAA.

4. Get AAA

5. Seconded on the coffee thing. If you enjoy coffee, it is extremely difficult to find a good cup on the road.

6. I loved having my laptop with a wireless connection. It was great to download pics onto and keep in touch with friends/family. Not to mention it was good to be able to log into my email and delete all the spam I get.

7. My Empeg had no problems with overheating or anything, and I had it running for 15+ hours in a row several different times. I wouldn't worry about it too much. The laptop was also good to bring just in case you need to do something with the Empeg.

8. Don't know if bugs will be a problem this time of year or not, but in hind sight I would get one of those stoneguard clear bra things. I scraped so many bugs off my car.

9. Buy a Valentine 1. It saved my ass A LOT. It was fun driving across the plains at 110+ mph for hours on end, but it would not have been nice to get caught.

10. The WRX does _not_ get good gas mileage at 110+ mph. I suppose this is obvious, but it gets the best if you never go into boost. I would say cruising at about 3000rpm (just below boost) in 5th gear worked best for me as far a mileage, but man is that slow.

11. I'm assuming you've been to New Orleans, but just in case you haven't, Frenchman's Street was great for music and a more chill atmosphere.

12. Keep a travel log/diary. It's the only way to be able to remember everything you did and people you met.

13. more to come after I talk with Jen and get her insight...

240053-monument_wrx.jpg (137 downloads)

Edited by ithoughti (09/11/2004 01:49)