Well James

You may want to start by giving a bit more information to help price it.

Which continent would be a good start

Have you done any research into what affects the price?
Size of hard drive?
Original manuals/remotes/boxes etc

OK, the sled was lost in the crash - do you have a power supply or did that get lost in the move in which case the buyer would be buying on trust that "it worked a couple of years ago".

Assuming a lack of PSU would mean the buyer probably will want to come round to your place with a psu or maybe a sled in their car.

All of which affects the price.

Of course if you think using Ebay/Paypal makes it seem safer then fair enough - good luck. I wouldn't touch this on Ebay because Paypal is essentially posting cash to someone and is pretty much untraceable without recourse to the police/FBI etc.

Oh, and if you're interested I'll offer £150 assuming you are in the south of england, east anglia or london and I can see and hear it before giving you cash. I'll go to £175 if it has a big hard disk). I'd also need a photo of serial number.
Price goes up if you can find the remote and/or psu. Down if it's a MkII or MKI.

I think the only sensible way to buy this is if I met you face-to-face in which case we'd need to follow your standard 'auto-trader' type advice and arrange a meeting place, have some photo ID, that kind of thing.

PM me if you're interested.

LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's