I totally disagree with James_B
I bought a tuner kit from someone on this board (Thanks SonicLoop!), who said he had had it a while, and it was still in the original package from PCats. He had a reasonable reason for not having it assembled and why he had held on to if for the length of time he had it.He sent me a picture of it, and was willing to hold it for a couple of weeks until I could come up with the cash. I then got a Postal Money Order, sent him scans of the PO with the serial number on it. I received the package in prime condition, assembled it, and it works like a champ. I had the ability to check his activity on this board and his website, had great communications with him (both ways). And was a great experience.
In contrast, I have tried to work with others (eBay incluted) with horable experiences, including the infamous 'Oh, I made a mistake and did not mean to post a BIN price on it'.....

James, you were given great advice to get your (?) empeg to a loving home, but hell...you wouldn't bring home a cat from the pound without looking at it, making sure the shots were update and spayed or neutered...It would be like buying a regular car/stereo deck from the 'flee market' with the harness clipped or the sled mangled with plyers....get the picture? If it is a legit sale, just provide a few pictures, resonable history (where YOU got it from) a serial number, and, crap man, you can get a p/s for it for 15 bucks or lest at your local electronics store....make sure the thing works...you get a better price.
Just my opinion. (don't worry, I've been knocked about a bit here, but then, I've knocked back!)