Go to bed earlier!

I wish it was that easy. I find that really it doesn't matter what time I go to bed, I tend to start waking up at about 10 or 11 am. I generally get at least 8 hours of sleep every night including work nights, and often on my days off this goes up to an average of 10. If I want to wake up at 8am or so, I'd have to be in bed by 8pm the night before, and this isn't possible with my 12 hour work schedule. The other problem is I work less then half the days of the week. So for 3 days, I absolutly need to be awake by 8:30 am, other days it really doesn't matter, though I tend to keep the alarm set at 10am.

I have never been able to wake up to a schedule in my life, even back in high school when I did have the same wakeup time 5 days of the week.