I really hope I am reading this wrong.

Yes, I think you are reading it wrong.

As I understand it, it makes sure that those numerically-numbered files you created always end up in the correct order. It's talking about the file names, not the tag data. I think it's actually something you want.

As it stands in 1.01, if you drop a folder onto Emplode, the songs drop in the MS-DOS file order, which isn't necessarily the numeric sort based on the file name. This is supposed to take care of that in 1.02.

If you drop a group of song files, they drop in the reverse of the order you selected them in, not the file name order. I don't know if this change affects that particular problem. (Hang on a sec... testing it...) Yeah, it only seems to work if you drop a folder onto emplode, not a selected group of files.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris