Well, this original message was posted over a year ago with no replies. I wanted to do the same thing and could only find very little documentation (thanks Cushman), so I decided to figure it out on my own. I used Cushman's post to get me started http://empegbbs.com/ubbthreads/showflat....true#Post183118

I spent about 3 hours trying to figure this out. I'm not 100% satisfied, but I'm sure with a little more tweaking, I will get it (It is 100% good on the Empeg, just not on the web interface.). Here is what I did (and hopefully, I will be able to upload my screen captures):

In JEmplode:
Edit-->Create Soup Playlist...
I named it [Alphabetical]

Add Range Layer
Sort By Artist

Add Tag Layer
Sort By Artist

Add Tag Layer
Sort By Album

And that's it. The reason I am not 100% satisfied, is for some reason, the ranges (1-9, A-C, D-F, etc.) aren't alphabatized (on the web interface). Maybe someone can enligthen me to why it is llike this?

Anyway, check out the screen captures......



281281-Screenshot-jEmplodev69-Austin\'sRioCar( (431 downloads)

Edited by Austin Newman (09/05/2006 01:32)