The untruth they're talking about was the product of some online discussions on other BBSes. The original letter posted by Snow Monsters didn't claim anything false, it just explained how Monster Cable Products had issued them a threat and their legal staff had attempted to bully them.

This is classic misdirection, as the issue at hand here isn't so much the filing of a lawsuit as it is the threat of doing so. Monster Cable has indeed had contact with a number of the companies it has asked the USPTO to "hold" on. Such news have been published by numerous sources.

I agree with protecting one's trade and service marks. But it's not worth damaging the reputation of your company by doing so in an almost frivolous manner. Attacking companies so far removed from the industry with such unrelated marks that no one would ever confuse products or services and which would certainly not dilute the good will nor "brand" of the supposed "established" marks. These games have hurt the Monster Brand in my eyes - and in the eyes of many other consumers. Brand is strictly in the eye of the beholder, and fr a company like Monster, it accounts for a large part of their equity. Dangerous games to be playing.

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