some kind of slip on button cover that might make it grippier

The skilled modder Jets transplanted Alpine knobs to the empeg, but all that remains of his description and brilliant photographs is this archive.org cache of the knob mod. And the cache of Jets' home page has links to his other projects.

It's meant to be a rotary encoder that is turned gently with fingertip control on its top surface. Not grabbed from the sides.

Um.... really? My fine motor skills must be worse than I thought because fingertip knob control never ever crossed my mind. And here I was measuring the MKII/IIa knobs so I could decrease their shaft height in the translucent versions, thus having them stick out form the fascia more, making them easier to grip. Guess it's a good thing I scrapped that idea, relying on my less intrusive "ah, just put a little wad of paper in the shaft to make it shallower" method.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set