The alpha 3 software is not particularly stable and has some pretty serious bugs that keep it from being useful as a daily driver.

Well, I use the Alpha 8 and it works pretty well most of the time, better than previous Alphas, that's for sure. Of course, just 5 days ago it went into a never-ending death roll and I spent an hour or so trying to fix it from the command shell, so there are some caveats.

Actually, that reminds me. Tony, you should put the "player -i" switch somewhere in the FAQ; it's a helpful little command and the only thing that would fix my problem. And any other player command switches too, if there are any more.

Wait for a more stable release before you try it.

Assuming there is going to be a more stable release...seems to me we are at the end of the line from what I have read recently.

Edited by ninti (25/01/2005 05:08)