I agree, my Central has been performing excellently. I'm surprised that anyone hasn't tried to bring it back... With today's computer prices, they could crank there out probably for around 200-500$. Further, it's a great platform. You could do so much more with it than what it does today.
Tony: What are these Java command line utilities that you speak of? Do you know where I can find them?
Randy: The newest version of JEmplode can do most things with the filenames while exporting, but it doesn't zero pad track numbers (e.g. "5" vs "05"). As far as I can tell, that part of the code is locked up in RMML code that isn't publicly released.

You may have better success than the earlier threads indicate. I have been using "Tag&Rename" to do the zero padding.
It sounds like you are hitting the 120G barrier. I have been considering putting some effort into getting drives >120G to work. If anyone is interested in an effort to do this, I still have my dev environment set up on my central. 236$ for a 400G HDD. Mmmmm.
Check out these HDD prices off pricewatch.com:
$236 - EIDE 400GB
$224 - EIDE 320GB
$179 - EIDE 300GB
$114 - EIDE 250GB
$89 - EIDE 200GB
$78 - EIDE 180GB
$62 - EIDE 160GB
$57 - EIDE 120GB