My god, you must listen to a heck of a lot of music to justify spending 300 quid on that.

If I get one imported it should only cost me £150ish, not bad compared to a seperates CD Player. And I need one for the kitchen, one for the living room and then the bedroom (but I use the software emulator on the Mac mini for the time being).

I don't think they are expensive, I can control them from my PDA, which goes just about everywhere with me while I am in the house. It does music (SlimServer), CCTV (Geovision), DVD (DVDLobby) and maybe in the future a bit of home automation and X10/remote control when I can be bothered to set it up.

The Slim devices offer a very neat solution to my music problems, I don't like having PC's cluttering up the living areas, they are all hidden in "ground zero" under the stairs. 2 of them will finish off the masterplan and also look very nice too.

When it is all finished I will invite you and the misses around to have a play with all the gadgets

