You need a music distribution system that doesn't involve having multiple decoders all over the place. But all things considered, the overkill of multiple Slim devices may still be cheaper than some multi-room distribution system controllers.

Oh, what to do....
The problem multiple Slim devices doesn't solve is that you still need a set of pre and power amplifiers as well as speakers at each Slim-equipped location. With a proper distributed solution you'd only have speakers, perhaps a power amp (if the speakers weren't wired back to a central amplifier that supported multiple zones) and an IR sensor with an optional display unit (that could show your song information, etc...). Whether or not you could listen to different music at each location at the same time (as opposed to only controlling it) would depend on the distribution system installed (brand/model, etc..)
But then there's that wireless appeal (not having to run anything back to the main system location)...