I'm expecting the phone this week. I will give my thoughts on it when it arrives.

I ended up changing my order from the Taiwan version (no EDGE) to the Hong Kong version (EDGE capable). I changed the order Sunday night and Plemix shipped Monday directly from Hong Kong. It arrived the next day (wow!).

Anyway, I have been playing with the phone all day getting it set up on Cingular's GPRS/EDGE network and checking out all the features. If you can afford this phone, get it. It's exceptional. The phone is smaller than I thought. I was assuming it would be about the size of an i90c. Instead, it's just a bit bigger than my T637 (see here). Although it's small, this doesn't seem to affect the touchscreen negatively. It seems like the perfect size. Webpages look really nice on the web browser included. EDGE actually works and it quite an improvement over GPRS. It's possible I only notice a speed difference due to the fast CPU on this phone, but data is definitely faster.

The phone seems well-built. I don't know what else to say except I am not sorry I spent $600+ on this device. It seems very worth it to me. Let me know if you have any specific questions I can answer.
-Rob Riccardelli
80GB 16MB MK2 090000736