Since owning the Smart I have done allot of thinking about what I use my car for. I could do without it.
I use it for...
Getting to work - I could move my van so I start nearer to transport links
Go Shopping - Could use Tesco online or similar, and Morrisions is 5 minutes from my house but I choose to drive to Sainsburys
Visit Girlfriend - I could go on the train/bus
Take things home from shopping - Get it delivered.
I think the car gives us freedom but it not a right to have one. We all know oil is going to run out some day, what will we all do then ??? I can't see solar cars working in Leeds very well.
I am all for a better transport system, I would pay more tax to get one, but like you said I won't use the current system due to the risk of having someone sitting next to my who leaves my smelling a little like digestive buiscuits and urine
