Hm. I dropped the ball on looking at this. I suck.

Yeah, well, my app isn't complete yet either. I suck at non-work related project deadlines. At least it has been life that got in the way, and some cool life, too (climbing trips, surfing).

Hey, no argument there. I spent much of the summer biking, and while it's only been twice in the last week I'm going to do it again probably tonight. I also relearned how to bake and cook (over the weekend I made chocolate souffles, and last night I made a chocolate cheesecake, and all of this stuff will be being eaten by other people because ...), I lost like 5 pants sizes since May 15, and I've also been helping a friend build a model railroad, something I haven't been able to muster doing myself despite starting on one in the 1990s.

What can I say? Life is good.