Hi everyone,

Does this kind of beast exist? A friend of mine wants to get a large firewire external disk, initially using it on a PC with Windows XP, then putting it on a mini Mac. I suggested Samba, but he is linux/UNIX illiteriate and does not want to use a server.

This will be a large "disk". Actually he wants to buy one of the 500GB firewire jobs, which I believe are two disks with a hardware RAID controller, but I may be wrong. Anyway, the filesystem needs to support a very large partition (500GB). IIRC, this can't be done with FAT32, or am I wrong?

I'm not familiar with OSX's ability to deal with other filesystems. I thought that it could read and write FAT32, but then the filesystem size becomes an issue.

Can this be done?

Thanks in advance,
