My cat has been indoors for...I can't even remember how long. Probably about eight or nine years. We didn't have a choice. The last time she was out, she got in a fight with another cat and walked into the garage with her eye cut open and a lot of scratches. She had to go to the emergency room, and was pretty bad off, but she pulled through. So now she's strictly indoors. It's easy to see that she'd like to go outside, as she eyes the door whenever we go through it, but the house is pretty large, and she spends most of her time sleeping in a few select spots. She's mostly happy sleeping on our laps, so wherever there is a lap available, that is where she is. Particularly if it's mine. I swear that she will follow me anywhere in the house if she thinks I'm going to be sitting anytime soon.

We've had her for about 19 years, with no signs of slowing down, except for a little hair loss.