The problem with the Scooby at the lights is it takes a bit of effort and practice to get away from the lights properly. You really have to be committed to pull away quickly. Once moving it takes a lot less effort to make the Scooby move quickly.

In comparison my MX5 is much quicker away from the lights when you aren't really trying too hard and then it feels like you have hit a brick wall compared to the Scooby (might have to supercharge the MX5 at some point).

If you get it right of course the Scooby shoots away like a scalded cat, gotta get those revs up early

I think we have had this conversation before, but even a stock old style Scooby should be faster than the 172, given that they weigh about the same, the Scooby has lots more power and a bit more torque. A stock old style WRX should be much faster. A new style stock UK WRX of course is a bit slower, thanks to its extreme lardy-arsed-ness...

I haven't found a Clio driver who has beaten my MY2000 Scooby away from the lights yet (except when I have a boot full of easy-to-bruise shopping)
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday