Katie. I'm not sure what you're talking about yet.
I'm not sure I would have clicked on the story save for the Scientology angle. My starting assumption is that any given Hollywood celeb could be a mindless cretin whether cute or not.
The pro-scientology ads?
Now this *is* what I am talking about, cynicism-wise. That a supposed news organization can get to a place where the uncritically ditzy Tom/Katie coverage gets put up there not *only* with stupid "would you change religion" polls, but with 4-5 paid ads for the various agencies of the cult itself.
I don't really think that's a CNN problem so much as a Yahoo Ads problem.
What proportion of people who visit this page can be expected to make any distinction between the CNN and Yahoo Ads elements?
I just think it is a bad place we've come to.
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.