If I recall correctly, the Scientologists maintain a special support infrastructure for movie stars and famous people, with the (entirely reasonable) theory that famous practitioners of the religion make for free advertising. As such, you can expect Ms. Holmes to be slathered in Scientology-branded love and foot massages. However, Mr. Cruz has recently demonstrated that he actually supports some of the weirder aspects of Scientology (particularly their anti-psychologist stance). This could lead in some interesting directions. Let's assume that Mr. Cruz and Ms. Holmes break up, which would seem altogether typical for "starlet" couples. Previously, you'd have to be "in the know" to be aware of Mr. Cruz's (or Mr. Travolta's) religious beliefs, but now it's openly discussed in an AP story, on Oprah, and elsewhere. This means that the post-breakup coverage will also likely discuss the relevancy of Scientology. Maybe, one of the reporters on the scene will actually get into the weirder aspects of the cult, interviewing ex-members, talking about "operating thetans" and all of that malarky. Should be fun, and could well cause lasting damage to Scientology if done right.
Meanwhile, for what it's worth, the only ads that made it through my AdBlocker were text ads referring to Dawson's Creek shwag.