Tell me, what is it about tuners that raises such religious fervour? I mean, since I figured out how to use it and fixed the antenna impedance mismatch, I have only used it a few times - mainly 'cos I can choose my own music on the player.

Well, I guess its just an assumed thing that a car stereo head unit can do. A lot of people use it for traffic reports on the morning commute, or listen to morning shows (Don and Mike rule!).. and occasionally even I don't feel like playing DJ for myself, so I'd rather just let someone off DC101 do it.

I can't count the number of times I've shown my empeg to someone and they're like "Wait... you paid a grand for a stereo and it doesn't have FM???". (Second only to the no-CD-player comment, but I disregard those. ;)

Anyway, I wouldn't say we've gotten too religious on this BBS... we all just really love (empegisgod) our empegs!

