SE_Sport_Driver wrote:
> Yes the original post was a bit "angst-ridden", but I think that some
> valid concerns were brought up and that everyone is entitled to their opinion.
> Besides, it allows empeg to explain things a bit that they might not otherwise
> think are worth talking about.

I agree with you re: some valid concerns and that one result is that it can lead to more detailed (welcome) explanations. Valid concerns? Well, who among us hasn't (after an ill-advised decision to nab that last slice of pepperoni) awoken in a cold sweat at 2 A.M. asking "What will the SONICBlue acquisition mean?" or "Is it possible that the Mk2 tuner could get deep-sixed??". Thankfully, for me anyway, I then remember that Hugo, Rob and crew are not across the lake in Redmond swilling some expensive single-malt scotch, but are in fact still hard at work on the stuff we care about. I fall back asleep.

I just think that some of his post/rant -- wining and dining with MS, getting distracted by acquisition -- were way over the top and without any substantive basis. He should vent his feelings more regularly rather than let them build up like this!

Part of my interest in the XM radio stuff is: could I leave room in the boat panel and in the home "sled box" I'm building to plug in an XM module -- move it around. If it's designed for car use I assume the antenna and module will be small. Another "I wonder...": I saw somewhere where someone had hacked an HTML parser that piped DMX playlist/song data to a PC. Wonder how XM will present song info...

Car Talk, Hugo? Well, it's a long running call-in show where two pun-filled brothers insult their callers in a very endearing fashion while occasionally answering a question about cars. Years ago it was a local-only show on WBUR when the brothers ran a do-it-yourself garage in Cambridge, Mass. (in the pre-computer automotive era) and most of the calls were from folks actually working on their cars and the show was downright fascinating. The garage is no longer DIY, the show now sometimes seems like an automotive marriage counselor ("My husband wants to buy a Suburban, but I want a New Beetle..."), and some folks find the brothers annoying (an old friend of mine went to high school with them in Cambridge and says they are like that *all the time*), but I still find it worthwhile.

The radio landscape in the U.S. is pretty bleak, but I still listen to a fair amount. The local alter-alternative station, KCMU, occasionally helps me find a bit of new music, and NPR, Car Talk, etc. are good background while doing boat work. Now, if KUOW would bring back Afro-Pop Worldwide (It provided the perfect soundtrack for varnishing on a sunny day. Sniff...)

90 GB Mk III Fuchsia


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.