I have nothing against the programmers at Microsoft. They work hard to release products and do it for a job.

But I highly dislike the marketing, legal, and administration departments. They are the ones behind many of the things I dislike Microsoft for. Take for example a large computer company I used to work for, Gateway. They were selling computers with Windows, and one day decided to also include Netscape on the desktop. Microsoft didn't like this, and tried to strongarm Gateway into removing it. Ted Waitt has been quoted as saying "Bill Gates hates my guts". And Gateway suffers from this act of loading software on their own computers by paying the highest prices in the OEM industry for Windows, and other MS products.

And marketing was behind the mass confusion with Windows 2000 and ME. NT 5 was renamed to 2000 because it was going to be seen as the upgrade to 98. But something happened along the development path, and it was realised 2000 wasn't quite "consumer oriented". So 2000 was aimed at the corporate enviornment, just like NT 4, and consumers were told to wait for Windows 98, third edition, (aka ME). I've had to explain this so many times to people.

Read through the findings of fact that was released from the recent legal battle against MS. It may prove quite enlightning, and show the many illegal mistakes of your company's managment and other departments.