
empeg single channel IDE
Probing primary interface...
Probing primary interface...
empeg-flash driver initialized

That little tidbit shows that the hard drive or drives have not been found at all. So, it could be the cable, it could be the cable plugged into the main board (did you give it a test to feel if it had worked its way loose?), the cable could have failed or the header could have failed. So my recommendation is to try a quick troubleshoot: verify that the cable is firmly plugged into the mainboard. If that is okay, let us know what color is on the ribbon cable. A reddish / pink ribbon cable (on the first wire) is a sign that it might be from the bad batch. If so, take a digital photo of the connector on the drive and post it.

Are you nearby any other members that can look at it?
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs