Benefits: an hour and 12 minutes of empeg time.

You have an Empeg on your recumbent?! No way man, is that for real? You are my hero!

It takes me about an hour straight to get to work these days now that school has started again. Summer holidays it was taking about 45mins. It seems that every 2-3 minutes later than 7:30 I leave adds another 10mins to my journey. In the middle of the night when the alarm goes off at the shop (next time an engineer blames the spiders, I'm going to tell him where he can put his 8-legged friends), I can do the run in < 20mins.

I have cycled to work before, but only on a weekend, and I can do it in an hour 20, so its even half-workable. Only thing is my dad comes with me, and a Tandem is not for London rushour traffic.