Yeah, I've been waiting years for a more intuitive interface to my cooking and flyswatting games.

So here's a list of the games they show in the video:
  • tennis: not bad
  • cooking: just what I've been waiting for
  • conducting: again, sounds like fun
  • drumming: I suppose it's cheaper than buying a drum set
  • baseball: not bad
  • fishing: okay, I know they're popular, but why?
  • ???: vacuuming, maybe? This is the one where he's holding it like a pencil, sorta, and it elicits laughter
  • Mario: I cannot think of a more irritating interface for Mario. How long do you tend to play side-scrollers? Most people tend to do it for hours. Do you want your arm sticking out for hours and flexing your wrist about once every two seconds? I see carpal-tunnel lawsuits in the future for Nintendo
  • Resident Evil: okay, that was cool
  • ???: The one with the birthday party. Maybe Mario Cart? I can't tell, but it doesn't look like they're doing much but holding their arms out in front of themselves
  • shooting: does it really detect when you jump out from behind your chair?
  • flyswatting: okay, maybe balloon popping. sounds thrilling regardless
  • swordfighting: this is a good application for the motion sensor. and the bar shape of the control lends itself well.

The part I don't get is that it seems to be detecting where at the TV you're pointing, like those old guns. Is it doing that, or is that more bullshit like the jumping out from behind your chair thing?

Anyway, the things it seems good for are things where you are holding a rod of some nature, like a sword, tennis racket, or baseball bat (or knife, frying pan or flyswatter, I guess). It'd probably work well for golf, too. My argument is that it's a terrible interface for basically everything else. I tell you what. The next time you watch a TV show, hold your remote control and point it at the TV the whole time. Then come back and tell me how good your wrist feels.

Edited by wfaulk (18/09/2005 16:42)
Bitt Faulk