If screen real estate is the main reason you're upgrading, I'd wait a bit longer. The first printings of this generation's powerbook manuals contained references to HD screen options, so there's a good chance they'll make it out into the wild with the next revision. While a 17" pb may be higher resolution than the ibook, it's still dismal compared to real high res screen.
Waiting for the intel powerbooks might not be a great idea. The powerbook line is at 232 days at this point, which makes it due for an update. The earliest we're supposed to see an macintel is June '06, so that's a long ways off.
I'd say give it a month and buy. New powerbooks will probably come out.
Report yesterday from the Paris Expo:
Apple's booth looks the same as it always does.....except for the black cloth draping one section of the booth and the absence of Powerbooks and iBooks in the booth.