The only problem with recording first run shows is when networks are lazy.
Yes. I barely use anything else, I get all the programs I want (with a few irritating exceptions)
Works every time, especially for popular shows like that.
Most everyone says yes and then goes on to qualify it to a "well, mainly".
Well, yeah! My contention is that Tivo is flawless in its handling of recordings of accurately described shows, but I have to qualify that by saying that this depends on the shows being accurately described.
The only problem I have with the TiVo about this is when there's a conflict.
I agree with that. The biggest problem I see is this sort of instance which only occurs on DirecTivos: you're looking through the program guide, and select a show to be recorded. But there are already two shows being recorded at that time. The problem is that it gives you an option that only works on single-tuner Tivos. It shows you one of the two shows that are being recorded at that time, and lets you either skip the new recording, or cancel that one. What I usually end up doing is going into the To Do list and deciding which of the two shows, if any, I'd like to cancel.
Does anyone know anything more about this? For example, how does it pick which show to give you as an option? Is it based on the Season Pass order? That would at least make a little sense. I would bet that it was a programming limitation, as there really aren't any UI differences between a DirecTivo and a standalone.