Off the top of my head . . .

-I think the biggest influence has just been all of the wonderful people here. It's been so great to meet people with such different ideas who are willing to discuss things openly and honestly without being nasty to one another about it. I find this to be one of the most truly tolerent groups of people I've ever met. It says a lot when two people like Doug and myself with such totally different wordviews hope to someday meet in person as friends. I know this isn't exactly what you meant, but I'd be remise not to say it.

-Introduction to Steve McConnell's books by one of the empeg developers- I don't remember which one. McConnell's books have made made me such a better software developer and I've been foisting them anyone who will let me.

-The Horror Of Blimps, which is perhaps the funniest thing I've ever read on the web.

-Alias, Lost, & Firefly- all shows my wife and I love that I wouldn't have seen without this board

-Garageband, which I found in an article linked by someone a long time ago. I've used it to both reach fans and find new music, some of which has made its way into my most listened to tracks.

-The Rio Karmoa, which my wife and I still love and think is a great product.

I'm certain there is more, but that's a good start.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.