Ways that this BBS has changed your life

First and foremost, and this may summarize it all: Through this bbs I have been able to associate with the most amazing group of people it has ever been my privilege to know. I am vain about my intelligence -- I truly believe(perhaps mistakenly!) that I am smarter than most people I know. But you folks on the bbs put me to shame. I feel like an imposter here, pretending to be smart in order to impress you.

Second, my life has been completely and I believe permanently changed as an indirect result of this bbs. Without going into details, I have gone from being a solitary widowed hermit living a life of celibacy, looking forward to the day they carry me out of my office feet first, to sharing my life with a partner and contemplating a much richer, more interesting future than I had ever imagined.

Third, this bbs has become an immensely valuable support net for me whenever I have a technical question on just about any issue imaginable. Only once has the group failed to come up with an answer for me (anybody remember the question? Rob S. knows...)

The 5--10 hours a week I spend on this bbs have given me returns out of all proportion to the "investment". I regret having met so few of you in person.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"